Monday, February 4, 2013

LTC challenge begins

Here are a few more LTCs that I have come across cleaning up my work room


The Challenge: 
Create something out of "discarded items

As I was going through some of my craft work I came across a box of stamps I carved.  I have been given a challenge to create an LTC from my "odds and ends."  This comes from me suggesting that these items are not really useful.  So here is the stamp she pulled.  I have a tub of misc. stuff.  I plan to make a dozen of these babies.  However, I need to figure out who this is.  I know it is Star Trek.  New game.  I'll keep you up to date.

Work  Room:

Here is the progress on the organizing.  I sorted paper by color and started to fill these tubs with like items. 

Couponing Day 3
You have decided to coupon,  you have coupons, are organized by your primary store, have a copy and have read the coupon policy - Good Job!
The trick is to know your budget.  In the first 2-3 months decide how much you can spend for your coupon shopping.  Remember in a few months you will have "stock" so you can decrease the shopping.  This is where you save big $$$$$.
Lets say you have $20.00 to add for couponing each week.  You will spend this money on items that are on sale that you have a coupon for. 
Watch the sales. If you have a coupon for 75 cents off Ragu.  The store has Ragu on sale fpr 2 for 3.00.  You use 2 coupons getting 1.50 off the 3.00.  So the Ragu is 75 cents each. 
Remember that Dollar Tree and Dollar General also take coupons.  If you have $1.00 off Pine Sol and Dollar Tree has Pine Sol.  Yep it is free.  (except tax) you still have to pay the tax.  When you find a deal like this.  Use all the coupons you have.  This is how your stock pile begins. 

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