Saturday, February 9, 2013

Always loved and never forgotten

Timothy will be 2 years old next Sunday.  He is my miracle baby. (This is a very hard/exciting topic) 

In 2009, I found out I was pregnant.  A miracle in itself as doctor after doctor told me it was not possible. (we had miscarried a set of twins and a little girl at this point). David and I had come to terms with this.  We no longer dreamed, desired, or wished to have a family.  This was off the table for us.  We considered adoption.  Looked into local and over seas adoption, but put that aside. At the time we were working with many kids in what is known as a failed adoption.  In January 2010, I went for an ultra sound, everything was normal.  At this point we were told we were carrying twins again.  This was scary and exciting again. Then the other foot fell.  We were told that they were sharing a placenta. (Mono-amniotic twins). The placenta was being shared by both babies with one umbilical cord.  Doctor told us we had 35 % chance of carrying to term.  At this point I was 16 weeks.  The next week I did another sonogram. This time everyone got quiet, The tech and doctor came back with another doctor.  Not a good sign.  I was told that I needed to think about this.  I would most likely not carry both babies (some complication) and I might want to consider choosing one.  This flew in the face of everything I believe.  Choose one.  How?  David and I spoke.  We were not going to chose one.  This was in God's hand.  What happened happened.  Just over a week later I was rushed to the ER.  Tests, Sonogram, tears, etc.  We had definitely lost one of the babies, however there was a small chance that the other would survive so I had to do go through all the tests again.  My doctor was in Kansas City, MO.  He drove to the hospital where I was (3 1/2 hour drive).  Feb. 5, 2010 we said good bye to the idea of those babies being held in our arms.  Feb 9. 2010, my life changed. I began working with an entire team of doctors to figure out what was going on with me.   It was 14 years of marriage  lots of doctors, lots of issues, and now someone was really paying attention.  The entire thing was overwhelming.  That team of doctors has helped me in so many ways, I have a normal life, a little guy I love so much, a wonderful family.  My life is good - even though I am blessed with Timothy, he does not replace those lost.  I will always love the babies I that I never knew.  One day I will hold them in heaven.  They helped bring Timothy to us.  I am forever grateful that they are part of my life and my family.  Always loved and never forgotten.

The adventure continues and the experiences grow . . . 

I have been addressing using coupons to save a few dollars here and there.  This is my current purchase - minus 8 deodorants   Total cost: 47.14.  That is an average of 90 cents an item.  Pretty good.  20 boxes of cereal, 8 deodorant  1 cashew, 1 honey roast peanuts, 2 hefty zipper bags, 4 fruit roll ups, 1 mustard, 1 Jergens, 3 gold bond healing, 1 snuggle fabric softener, a few candy bars, and a few other items. So - it is possible.  I now have to move a shelf to my storage room.  I was hoping to wait a few days.  My parents are headed this way for a visit. Would have been nice for my dad to help while David is at work, but these items cannot live in the middle of the floor any longer.  By the way, 20 min. prep time before I left to grab them.

Timothy opened a box a lucky charms last night he had found,  He found them in another pile of items I saved big on too.  He kept saying rainbow, rainbow.  The next thing I know they were open and - all over the floor.  I went to grab the vacuum, when I returned he was laying in the middle of them eating the marshmallow   His response was YUM!!!.  I laughed.  So sweet.  He went straight to the tub (again!)  Disappointed that I did not get a picture so I thought you would enjoy this one.

That is a box from Stampeaz.  ( ).  I have decided to try some OZ carving material.  Webfoot was so generous to supply entertainment for Timothy.  You are looking at packing peanuts, or what use to be packing peanuts.  Timothy would pick one up say "S" then oops.  he did this for about 45 min.  until all the "S" were in pieces.  Thank goodness there were not that many. =) When he was done he stood up pointed and said mess.  Good thing I have a vacuum cleaner.  

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