Work with tools at your own risk!
You will need a wire cutter and a pair of pliers that have a flat area |
This is how the needles come. No syringe attached. (You can purchase them that way, but this is cheaper) |
It is possible to find 1 1/2 inch long needles, but I will use a 1 inch one as they are easier to find.
Look at your local farm store, usually by the animal medications.
To open the needle just twist the seal. It will break. This is what it looks like once open. |
I highly suggest using a piece of scrap rubber. Put the sharp point down into the material. I usually push it about 1/2 in. |
Make sure that the needle is in firmly. |
Take your wire cutters and cut as close to the end as possible. I tend to hold the rubber with one hand and the wire cutters with the other. I close my eyes as I have had the other end fly away a few feet on my table. |
This is what your needle will look like in the rubber. Throw all the other piece in the trash. Notice how the end in pinched some on the ends? fixing that is next. |
Use the flat area of your pliers and squeeze making it as round as possible, The reason for doing this is it can catch in the pin vise. |
It rounds out really easy and fast. Use gradual pressure. |
Here is a comoparision to show size. On the left is a gouge carving tool the right is a type of pin vise. It actually comes with tiny drill bits. (I bought mine at Hobby Lobby) There are others, but this is the most comfortable for me. |
Twist the silver color ring and it opens the top. Slide the end of your needle in and tighten it up. |
Here is the needle in the pin vise. |
When I pull off the rubber piece you can see the sharp point of the needle. |
A different angle of the blade |
Marked the gauge and it is ready for storage in carving tool area. |
Just curious - what does your carving tool area look like? Thanks for the great pictures!!